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A code of ethics is part of any profession. The University, as an institution imparting higher and professional education, has in place a Code of Ethics to serve as a guideline for forming attitudes, directing conduct and maintaining an environment of personal and institutional integrity.

All members of the university community are to abide by this code in letter and spirit, within and outside the campus.


The University believes in and fosters personal, academic and professional integrity. Among other things, integrity calls for

  • Being honest in examinations and assignments, and avoiding plagiarism and misrepresentation of facts.
  • Not using computers to gain access to unauthorized information or objectionable websites.
  • Not evading legitimate financial obligations.


A student of Assam Don Bosco University cultivates a basic God-orientation that contributes to the development of a healthy personality. This requires

  • Respect for all religions and faiths.
  • Active participation in assembly, prayer and all-faith prayer sessions that may be organized from time to time. However, no external form of worship other than that of the Catholic community shall be permitted in the campuses of the university.

Dress Code

A dress code expresses both professionalism and uniformity. A professional appearance helps to develop self-confidence and promote an environment of mutual respect and dignity. Hence the university may deem it fit to propose a dress code for the students of certain academic programmes. Wherever a dress code has been proposed by the university, all students shall abide by it.

Substance Abuse

Substance abuse such as tobacco, alcohol, drugs, etc., is contrary to the dignity of human beings and forms habits that destroy persons, families and society. They should not be brought into or used within the campus of the University.

Cell Phones

While cell phones have become very common, it is necessary that they be used judiciously. Their use during academic activities and official functions violates etiquette and manners. To prevent this, cell phones shall remain switched off in the campus, except in the canteens and the grounds.

Family Spirit

Assam Don Bosco University is a Don Bosco Institution. A fundamental characteristic of Don Bosco institutions is the family spirit. This is to be ensured by

  • Cordiality in relationship between and among students and staff members.
  • Harmonious living and respect for members of other communities and religions.
  • Not taking part in divisive activities and partisan politics or forming associations which go counter to the spirit of harmonious living. While the university fosters associations which have representatives from among the students, staff and management, union activities are not permitted in the campuses of the University.


Ragging and eve-teasing are activities which violate the dignity of a person and they will be met with zero tolerance. An Anti-ragging Committee is in place to prevent/deal with violations according to the civil laws in force.

Community Service

The University values community and neighbourhood service as an integral part of education. Whenever the university organizes programmes to achieve this end, students are expected to take part in them whole-heartedly.


Discipline is an essential aspect of the maturing process. The university shall provide an environment conducive to self-discipline. To maintain this environment,

  • Students shall treat teachers and those in authority with due respect.
  • Acts of indiscipline, insubordination and interference in administration are unacceptable.
  • Acts of serious indiscipline will be dealt with by the Disciplinary Committee which comprises of university officials, faculty members and student coordinators.


Regularity in attendance and punctuality are signs of one’s commitment to learning. Hence,

  • Any absence should be with prior sanctioned leave.
  • In case of any emergency such as sickness, bereavement, etc., the parent or guardian must inform the concerned authority promptly.

Skill Acquisition

Education is more than acquiring knowledge. The university organizes programmes aimed at enhancing the skills required for an integrated personality. Active participation in these programmes is mandatory.

Respect for Property

Care and respect for common facilities and utilities are an essential component of social responsibility. In view of this, any willful damage to university property must be made good by the persons concerned.


Safety of individuals is an important issue. Hence, one’s own safety as well as that of others should be the primary concern of every student, especially in the workshops and laboratories. While the university makes every effort to provide a safe and secure environment for work and study, the responsibility for individual safety lies with each student. The university cannot be held accountable for careless accidents.

Parents-Institution Linkage

By getting their wards admitted into a Don Bosco Institution, parents entrust them to the institution during the most crucial years of their lives - a period that prepares them to take on the responsibilities of adulthood. The university stands committed to providing them excellent education and integral formation. However, parents have an equal responsibility in this task. We expect that parents/guardians will frequently enquire and be informed about their ward’s progress, come to the university when required and on important occasions in the life of the staff and students of the University.


This Code of Ethics lays down norms of behaviour for the more important contexts of life in a university. These guidelines, however, are not exhaustive. Any conduct that goes against the letter and spirit of these principles and norms will be considered a violation of this Code. This code invites every Bosconian to ‘carpe diem’ - seize the day, make timely use of every opportunity and experience ‘life in its fullness’.


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