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Introduction & overview

The School of Life Sciences was started in the year to offer Integrated MSc-PhD course in Biochemistry, Biotechnology and Microbiology with five internationally trained PhD degree holding faculty members and sixteen students. Our decision to start these courses was in view of the challenges faced by the Postgraduate degree holders in these areas to get into PhD programme.

However, with changing regulations the School stopped offering Integrated Courses and over the years now has three departments under the School:

Feature of the School of Life Sciences

The School of Life Sciences has the following features as envisioned by the University:

  • Wide exposure to theory and skills undergirding the field of Biosciences
  • Intensive laboratory exercises and projects attuned to industrial developments
  • Exposure to emerging areas of research in Biosciences in the country and abroad
  • Industrial visits/internships/interactions with experts on live industrial projects
  • A seamless entry to doctoral studies on completion of the Master’s level dissertation

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