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The Grievance Redressal Cell of Assam Don Bosco University was initially set in 2010 to address the grievances of the students. Subsequently a Grievance Redressal Cell was set up as advised by the IQAC of ADBU for the whole fraternity of students, faculty and members of staff, so as to give everyone a chance to raise genuine grievances in order to avoid any kind of unhappiness leading to detrimental situations.

In case of members of the faculty or other staff, any sort of grievance may be submitted to the Director of the School through respective Heads of Departments or immediate administrative authority. In case of individual students, any grievance may first be discussed at the mentor level, which if not sorted out may be forwarded to the respective Heads of Departments. However, if the issue still remains unresolved it may be formally informed to the Director by the mentor, Head of Department or concerned students. On receipt of any representation, a meeting of the Grievance Redressal Cell will be called and quorum for the meeting will be two members.

The composition of the Grievance Redressal Cell, reconstituted and notified on 8 September 2020 is as follows:


Prof. Shakuntala Laskar (Professor, Dept. of Electrical and Electronics Engineering)


  • Dr. Bobby Sharma (Associate Professor, Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, ADBU)
  • Dr. Sarat Chettri, (Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Applications)
  • Dr. Jane Shangpliang (Asst. Professor, Dept. of Zoology, ADBU)
  • Mr. Ramesh Sharma (HOD, Dept. of English)

Student Representative:

Mr. S. Sagar, BCA, 3rd Semester
Ms. Shilpi Rani Kalita, BA Mass Communication, 5th Semester


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