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Introduction & overview

Established in the year 2009, the School of Commerce and Management began its journey at Don Bosco Institute of Management, a constituent unit of Assam Don Bosco University, located at the idyllic Ramsai Hills, Kharguli, with a magnificent view of the majestic Brahmaputra. The futuristic concept and design, state of the art facilities and the dedicated faculty synergize to make this School a symbol of commitment and quality. At the beginning, the School offers only Masters in Business Administration but now, the School has two Departments offering more programmes.

Vision & Mission

Nurturing Talent, Inspiring Commitment, Conceived as the epicenter for Integrated Youth Care, Educational Leadership, Management Training, Socio-Cultural Development, and Research.

Year Established: 2009

Teaching Methodology

At DBIM, our prime focus is on personal and personality development, which lasts throughout the two-year program. At the culmination of the program, a student would evolve into a skilled team-player, effective communicator and highly persuasive and decisive. Students will be made highly sensitive to cultural differences, ethical behaviour and social values. It is these soft skills that would put DBIM graduates apart from the crowd, and give them a decisive edge with recruiters.


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