Welcome to ADBU Library
A window to the world of latest information in science, engineering, technology, management, humanities & social sciences. The Library with its modern collection of knowledge resources and innovative information services provides necessary supports for teaching, learning, research activities of the University by creating state-of-the-art facilities to the academic community. The Library is now partially automated using Koha ILMS for running its housekeeping operation which is an integrated system connected to all the three campuses i.e, Azara, Tapesia & Kharguli campus network, providing online access to catalogue & e-resource facility.

The entire Library collections are made available through OPAC (On-line Public Access Catalogue). OPAC can be accessed through any terminal on all the three Campuses network connected. Library collections and the e-resources can also be searched through Web OPAC. The Library offers a range of information services to support the learning process set to the highest professional standards. The university is using DSpace software for its intuitional repository which preserves the institute's intellectual output for campus-wide access and digital preservation for the posterity.
ABDU library has a wealth of printed and e-resources from the world over and makes it easily available to students for ready use.The various services offered by it are as follows:
- Inter-Library Loan (On request)
- References Services
- Lending Services
- Web OPAC
- Internet Access
- Reading List/Bibliography Compilation(On request)
- Library Orientation
- Assistance in searching databases and accessing e-resources.
- Book Exhibition
- Purchase Suggestion
- Volunteer Work
- Anti-Plagiarism Service
- Library Mobile App
- Current Awareness Services(New arrivals display/Pearson Corner/.etc.)
- ‘Julhash Ali Library’ the epicenter of learning of DBIM under ADBU also observed the library day, it is the only B-School in Assam that celebrates Library Day in such a significant way to motivate the students to read & explore the vast knowledge of books.The Library organized many events for the students to enhance their personal & academic growth. Competition like - Book Review, Quiz, Skit Competition, Elocution, Extempore Speech, Poetry and Story Writing, and Exhibition on “Best out of waste: reduce, reuse & recycle”.
ADBU Institutional Repository
Library Rules & Regulations
OPAC FAQ & Remote Access
Computer Labs Rules
Contact Person
Anupam ChandaLibrarian
ADBU, Azara Campus
MO: 9085725645
Email: [email protected]. Chanlang Ki Bareh
ADBU, Tapesia Campus
MO: 8731906708
Email: chanlang.bareh@dbuniversity. Mrs. Gayatri Hazarika
ADBU, Kharguli Campus
MO: 9854038132
Email: [email protected]. Indian Culture Portal